
What people are saying about Our Road to Emmaus.

"I love the message that Brenda brings forth in her book. It is transformational and very practical to all who have faced shame and guilt in their spiritual walk with God."

~Pastor Roger McGary, Gelnett Memorial Church

"Your way of explaining what you wanted to say was easy for me to understand...I know after reading your book...to trust God, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading and trust my church family and give them the chance to let God work through them and of course myself. Thank you for letting God lead you to write this book!" 

~Peggy Painter

"This is a book for every age. It is easy to read. The Lord speaks through every page. Take my advice and buy one." 

~Bernice Condron

"Our Bible study group did this as a study and I felt like this book spoke to me, and some of the shame I have felt with being a teen mom. This book has definitely helped me get closer to the Lord. Thank you, Brenda, for sharing your story" 

~Sandy Condron

"I enjoyed this book as part of a ladies' Bible study. I really appreciated the discussion it generated. It will touch your life" 


This book is amazing, well written, and so easy to understand and compare our lives to the two men on the road to Emmaus! You've done a fabulous job on your first book! I've really enjoyed reading it. It's a book to read over and over again!! 

~Cheryl Hollis