Sit or Serve

A chapter by chapter synopsis of what you will find in the book Sit or Serve: Discovering How to Balance Our Mary and Martha

Available Spring 2024

Published by River Birch Press

Enter into the home of Mary and Martha and watch the events that unfold as Jesus comes in to visit. Sit at the table and watch each of these two women interact with Jesus. As you observe, learn in what ways you tend to be like each of them, and allow Jesus to show you how to find what is better, just as Mary did. The key to our Christian walk is to balance sitting at His feet and serving Him, and this account in Luke 10:38-42 can show us just how to find that balance. Join me as we quietly sit in their home and listen to what Jesus has to say.

Are you a busy Martha or a laid-back Mary? Take a look into the tension-filled house in Bethany as Brenda Troutman explores the dilemma we all identify with – is it better to sit or to serve?  Well written in her easy, conversational style, this book is packed with lessons we can apply to our lives today. A must-read for all who struggle to find the balance between their inner Mary and Martha. 
~Michele Huey, Author of God, Me, and a Cup of Tea Devotionals

Chapter 1 - Open Your Life to Jesus

Join the two sisters as Martha opens the door for Jesus. Martha often gets a bad reputation for not sitting at the feet of Jesus, but she was the one who opened the door and let Him in so He could minister. She knew the house was not ready for company and that much needed to be done, but she opened the door and allowed Jesus in. We need to take this step in our own lives. Sometimes our lives are messy, but Jesus wants to step in. Let's open the door of our lives to him.

Chapter 2 - Sit at His Feet

When Jesus came into the home of the two sisters, Mary sat at His feet listening as He taught. In this chapter, explore other people found in Scripture who were at the feet of Jesus and learn the importance of time spent with Him. Learn how to overcome the obstacles in our lives that prevent us from listening to Him. Discover how to prioritize your life so you have time to sit at His feet.

Chapter 3 - Don't Get Distracted

As we continue in the account of Mary and Martha, we see that Martha was distracted with all the preparations that needed to be done to make sure Jesus' visit was pleasant. As you read through this chapter, think about the time you spend with Jesus. Is He your sole focus, or are you distracted by your own agenda? Learn to choose a time of day that works well for you, a time when you can focus and not be thinking about all of the other things that need done that day. Eliminate other distractions, such as the television or cell phone, and spend some quality time at the feet of Jesus.

Chapter 4 - The Need to Serve

Scripture is very clear that God wants us serving Him. In this chapter, learn how sitting at the feet of Jesus and serving Him go hand-in-hand. It is crucial that we first receive instruction from Jesus by sitting at His feet, but it is just as important that we take what He says and put it into action. Look at the examples of Abram, Ananias, and Moses to get a clear picture of what it means to listen to the Lord's voice and then serve Him.

Chatper 5 - Lord, Don't You Care?

When Martha saw Mary sitting at the Lord's feet, she complained to Him that it felt like He didn't care that she was doing alll the work while her sister just sat there. It is important for us to watch for this in our own lives. When we begin to experience spiritual burn-out, it can manifest in this way - complaining that we are the only ones working. Elijah, Job, and Jeremiah all show us examples of people who worked hard and started to feel this spiritual burn-out. Let's learn to recognize it so we can avoid complaining to the Lord that He doesn't care. He indeed does care!

Chapter 6 - They Aren't Working!

When we look around at what others are or are not doing, we get a skewed sense of what is really happening. Learn in this chapter how pointing out others' faults and deficiencies has a deeper root - pride. At other times, this practice of worrying about what everyone else is doing can lead to jealousy or a feeling of inferiority. Neither of these are healthy ways of thinking. Take some time to learn how to avoid these pitfalls and focus on your own work for the Lord while gently steering others into also serving.

Chapter 7 - Tell Them to Serve!

Once we spiral into unhealthy habits of thinking, it can cause us to lash out at others or at God.  This is when we've crossed over from unhealthy thoughts into sin. When we start demanding things of others, or worse, God, we really need to stop and get an attitude adjustment of the heart. Take the time in this chapter to study the attitude of Christ and get your mind transformed to think the way He does. Then follow Christ's example of service, even to those who do not deserve it.

Chapter 8 - He Calls Us by Name

This chapter is a perfect time to pause and realize how much your Savior loves you, even when you fall into the unhealthy patterns we discussed in the previous chapters. He knows your name, he knows your every thought. He knows you better than you know yourself, and He calls you out to be His child. Take the time to sit and bask in this love for awhile and understand that you are fully, intimately, and eternally known.

Chapter 9 - Do Not Worry

After Jesus called Martha by name, He pointed out to her that she was worried and upset about many things. Aren't we the same? We have Jesus right in our midst just like Martha did, any yet we worry about so many worldly things that do not matter in the big scheme of things. Focus in this chapter on seeking Him first and putting Him before all things. Getting our perspective in the right place is the first step to finding the balance between our Mary and Martha.

Chapter 10 - Jesus Is All You Need

Why did Jesus tell Martha that Mary had found what was better? He wanted her to know that He is all she needed. There is no need in this life that Jesus can't fill. In this chapter, struggle through some hard teaching about what it means to follow Jesus. Consider the cost,, and understand that there is nothing in this world that can compare to what He has to offer. Get your eyes fixed on Him and allow Him to supply your every need.

Chapter 11 - Choose Jesus First

Take time in this chapter to realize that all of your service to the Lord is meaningless unless love for Him is at the center of it all. We mentioned in Chapter 1 the importance of opening the door for Jesus and inviting Him in as Savior. Now understand that He must be Lord as well. He must have the preeminence if your service to Him is going to be meaningful and fulfilling. Learn to practice surrender, and give everything you have and everything you are over to Jesus.

Chapter 12 - Nothing Can Separate

In one of the most beautiful phrases of Scripture, Jesus says that what Mary has found (Jesus) cannot be taken away. Once we have the salvation that only Christ can bring, it cannot be taken from us.  Take the time to understand that your life is secure in Christ. Satan will try to pull you away, but your sweet salvation is yours to keep. Rest in this peace and security.

 Chapter 13 - Time for Reflection

Take this opportunity as you finish the book to reflect on all you've learned about sitting at Jesus' feet and serving Him. Let these truths sink into your heart so that you can return to them any time you feel yourself slipping into old habits or struggling finding the balance between sitting and serving. Let the benedictions at the end of the book encourage you on your walk.