Our Road to Emmaus

A chapter by chapter synopsis of what you will find in the book Our Road to Emmaus: Walking with Jesus through Difficult Times

Published by River Birch Press

Let me invite you on a journey.  Actually, God has already placed you on this journey, and it is my desire to help you along the road.  When we walk through this life, there are so many things that bombard us along the way, and often those things bring disappointment, confusion, and grief.  In Luke 24:13-35, there were two men who were experiencing this in a big way, and their walk can teach us so much about God's faithfulness to us.  Go on this journey with the men on the road to Emmaus.  See the wonderful way in which Jesus walks with you, especially during difficult times.  Walk down the dusty road and receive the victory that only Jesus can give.


“In her book, Our Road to Emmaus, Brenda Troutman shares her story of living with a burden of shame, even after she accepted Jesus as her Savior. God had forgiven her, yes, but she couldn’t forgive herself. She likens her journey to complete redemption—accepting the act that resulted in a decades-long burden of shame as part of her testimony—to the journey the two disciples took on that first Easter as they questioned the events that had taken place that morning. 
“It was more than a seven-mile walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus. It was a spiritual journey as well, as the Lord Himself joined them and gently cleared their confusion. Aren’t we all on a journey that takes us down a road riddled with potholes of confusion and doubt? But the journey we take is one of growth, whether or not we see it as such. If you’re going through a time of heartbreak or grief, or if you simply want to see Jesus more clearly in your life, Brenda’s testimony is sure to give you hope and strength for the next step.”
—Michele Huey, Author of God, Me, and a Cup of Tea Devotionals

Chapter 1

The Journey - Luke 24:13

Join the two men on the road to Emmaus as they begin their journey, and see how it parallels your own journey in life. These men just experienced the most difficult time in their lives and they were trying to make sense of it all. Look at the example of Joseph to see that God always has a purpose for our lives, and sometimes it is the difficulties that make that purpose come to fruition. 

Chapter 2

Talk to Each Other - Luke 24:14

As the two men walked down the road, they talked to each other. The need for Christian fellowship is so important in our lives, and as believers, we need to be encouraged to not neglect meeting together. Observe the example of Adam and Eve, and see that we are created with a need for companionship and that it is important to find trusted mentors to talk to in our journey of life.  Be careful, however, to choose godly mentors and not just those who will tell you what you want to hear. 

Chapter 3

Jesus in Our Midst - Luke 24:15-16

As the two men on the road to Emmaus were talking to each other, Jesus walked into the scene.  Be reminded in this chapter that Jesus comes into our hard times, but sometimes we fail to recognize Him, just like Mary in the garden after Jesus' resurrection. Sometimes this is because of our strong emotions, but sometimes Jesus keeps us from recognizing Him until our hearts are softened to what He wants to teach us. Know that even in these times, God will never leave you or forsake you. 

Chapter 4

We Are Downcast - Luke 24:17

Even though He already knew, Jesus asked the two men what they were discussing as they walked along. Although God knows everything about us, even our thoughts, He still wants us to express to Him what we are feeling. Read the example of the death of Lazarus and how his sisters were grieving, and see that Jesus gives us the opportunity to go through the grieving process, all the while standing right beside us and comforting us. 

Chapter 5

Don't You Get It, God? - Luke 24:18

The two men were astonished that this stranger on the road didn't know what had just happened in Jerusalem. Walk with the two men through times of doubt, times when it feels like God just doesn't understand. By looking at the cries of the Israelites during their time of slavery and Moses feeling inadequate, understand that although sometimes God seems silent, He is still there. He allows us to struggle for a time so that in the end, there is no doubt that it was He who worked all things out for good, and He always had a purpose for the struggle. 

Chapter 6

Jesus Wants Us to Share - Luke 24:19a

Jesus asked the two men a very simple question, but a question that showed that He wanted to know what was on their hearts. Come to see one of Jesus' greatest acts of love toward us: even though He knows everything about us, He wants us to tell Him. Jesus knows all things and doesn't need us to tell Him anything, but He wants us to come to Him and lay our burdens down. Take a walk through Psalm 139 and see how it demonstrates just how well God knows us. See also the example of Job to understand God's love even in the midst of suffering. 

Chapter 7

Not What I Expected - Luke 24:19b-21

The men on the road to Emmaus proceeded to tell Jesus what they were thinking. One of the chief complaints we have during a trial is that our lives or situations didn't turn out the way we were expecting. Look at the events in the lives of Jonah and Elijah and see how easily we become discouraged when things just don't look like we think they should. It is easy to lose heart when this happens. It's in these times that we have to remember that God's ways are always better than our own and that He can see into a future that we can't see. 

Chapter 8

I've Heard But Can't Believe - Luke 24:22-24

While the men were still describing their conversation to Jesus, they explained to Him that they had been told that Jesus was alive, but they just couldn't believe it. Think about how you respond to the promises of God. Sometimes in our deepest pain, even though we know and believe God's promises to us, we live as though they are not true for our situation. Or sometimes, we are so afraid of being disappointed and we don't want to get our hopes up, so we just can't believe that the promises are for us. Read the example of Thomas to see how this problem of doubt can be overcome. 

Chapter 9

You Missed the Point - Luke 24:25-26

In this part of the Luke account, Jesus finally speaks, saying to the two men that things had to be this way.  Be confronted with some words from Jesus such as, "How foolish you are," and "You of little faith," and understand that sometimes we doubt, even when we know better. Be encouraged, though, that Jesus does not speak these words out of condemnation, but out of love. The promises of God can be trusted, and we have to understand that we are not supposed to understand all of the workings of God. 

Chapter 10

Rely on Scripture - Luke 24:27

Jesus went on to explain Scripture to the men concerning Himself. It is so easy, especially during hard times, to listen to all of the voices around us that steer us in the wrong direction. It is also easy to fall into the trap of relying on and acting according to our emotions. Allow yourself to be directed into the truth of God's Word and understand the importance of being in the Word daily. Like a flashlight in the dark, Scripture will keep us on the right path. The early church relied on Scripture to remain strong, and so can we. 

Chapter 11

Invite Him In - Luke 24:28-29

In Jesus' day, hospitality was of the utmost importance, and the two men on the road to Emmaus invited Jesus in to have dinner and spend the night. We need to understand the importance of inviting Jesus into our lives. First, we must invite Him in to gain salvation, but it is also important to invite Him in daily to help in any and every situation. It is so important that we make room for Jesus in our everyday lives. 

Chapter 12

Your Daily Bread - Luke 24:30

The two men sat at the table with Jesus, and He broke bread to serve the meal. Learn that Jesus provides for our everyday needs.  Go one step further and understand that Jesus is the Bread of Life. Not only will he supply what we need every day, but He will also be the bread that we need every day. It is because of this that He tells us not to worry about daily needs such as food and clothing. 

Chapter 13

You Finally See - Luke 24:31

When Jesus broke the bread with the two men, their eyes were opened and they finally realized that it was Him. Focus on several accounts in Scripture in which Jesus healed the blind. Specifically focus on the man at the Pool of Siloam who was born blind and then offered the testimony, "I was blind but now I see." Understand that we are all spiritually blind until we receive Jesus, and that, once a person hears the message of salvation, there is no excuse for them if they reject it. 

Chapter 14

The Burning Within You - Luke 24:32

After Jesus left the men, they realized that they should have recognized Jesus long before they actually did. They said that their hearts were "burning within" them. We, too, have that burning within us. It is the Holy Spirit, convicting and directing us. It is so important not to ignore that burning, but to get in tune with the Holy Spirit and follow His direction. 

Chapter 15

Share With Others - Luke 24:33-35

Once the men realized that it was the risen Lord that had been walking with them, they immediately returned to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples. Realize the importance of sharing your testimony with others. When you do share, include details of what God has done for you so that others can clearly see God at work.