About the Author

Brenda Troutman is a Bible-believing Christian who desires to share with others what she has learned from Jesus in her own life. Brenda is married to her wonderful husband, Chris, and the two of them have three children together. She resides in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, the town that she has called home for her entire life. Brenda is a member of the Punxsutawney Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, where she serves on the worship team, teaches Sunday school, and serves as the Disciple Making Ministries Director. She has also worked in Christian education for over twenty years, serving as a Bible, math, and science teacher. God called her to share her heart through writing, and she is so excited to see where this adventure will take her! It is her desire that others will grow in their relationship with Christ through reading what she has to share.  

A Personal Note from Brenda

I have always had a dream of sharing how the Lord has helped me, through Scripture, to get to know Him better.  God has always proven Himself faithful to me, and I want to share that faithfulness with others.  His Word is so rich with accounts of how others have seen victory, even when their walks were not perfect, and even when they doubted His goodness.  I pray that my writing will reach people and show them God more clearly.  My other prayer is that we, as believers in Christ, can form a community that lifts each other up and prays for each other.  That is what my Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/ouremmausjourney is all about.  Feel free to comment on that page any prayer requests you have or struggles that you are facing.  Let's journey down this road of life together!